Justia Florida Supreme Court Opinion Summaries

Adam Richardson, a citizen and taxpayer, petitioned the Supreme Court of Florida for writs of quo warranto and mandamus, alleging that the Governor, Attorney General, and Secretary of the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) violated section 104.31, Florida Statutes, by advocating against a proposed constitutional amendment (Amendment 4) related to abortion rights. Richardson claimed that their actions, including statements on an AHCA webpage and social media, as well as participation in a public call and opinion piece, unlawfully interfered with the vote on Amendment 4.The lower courts did not review this case as it was directly brought to the Supreme Court of Florida. Richardson argued that the respondents' actions violated a statute limiting political activities of state officers and employees, which he believed should be enforced through extraordinary writs.The Supreme Court of Florida denied the petition. The court held that the writ of quo warranto is traditionally used to test the right of a person to hold an office or exercise a state-derived power, not to compel criminal prosecution or enable private enforcement of a criminal statute. The court found that Richardson's grievances were more about the merits of the respondents' actions rather than their authority to act. Additionally, the court denied the writ of mandamus, stating that Richardson did not establish a clear legal right or an indisputable legal duty on the part of the respondents, nor did he show that there was no other adequate remedy available. The court concluded that no further relief was required to complete the exercise of its jurisdiction and denied the petition without permitting a rehearing. View "Richardson v. Secretary, Florida Agency for Health Care Administration" on Justia Law

The case involves a dispute between an insurer, GEICO, and a windshield repair shop, Glassco, regarding the Florida Motor Vehicle Repair Act. From 2016 to 2019, Glassco performed nearly 1,800 windshield repairs for GEICO’s insureds, who assigned their insurance payment rights to Glassco. GEICO paid these claims at a discounted rate, leading to litigation. GEICO sought to recover payments and claimed that Glassco violated the Repair Act by not providing written estimates and other disclosures.The U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida ruled in favor of Glassco, concluding that GEICO did not have a private right of action under the Repair Act because it was not a "customer" as defined by the statute. The court also held that Glassco’s violations did not render its invoices void. GEICO appealed, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit certified two questions to the Supreme Court of Florida regarding the insurer's rights under the Repair Act.The Supreme Court of Florida answered both certified questions in the negative. First, it held that Fla. Stat. § 559.921(1) does not grant an insurance company a cause of action when a repair shop fails to provide a written repair estimate. The court emphasized that the statute defines a "customer" as the person who signs the repair estimate, and GEICO conceded it did not meet this definition.Second, the court held that the Repair Act violations do not void a repair invoice for completed windshield repairs, nor do they preclude a repair shop from being paid by an insurance company. The court noted that the statute allows for penalties and damages to be adjusted if repairs were authorized and properly performed, indicating that voiding invoices was not intended as a remedy. The court also found that subsequent amendments to the Repair Act rendered previous case law, which might have supported GEICO’s position, obsolete. View "Government Employees Insurance Company v. Glassco Inc." on Justia Law

John Sexton was convicted of the first-degree murder of Ann Parlato, a 94-year-old woman he knew from cutting her lawn. The crime was particularly brutal, involving severe physical trauma and post-mortem mutilation. A jury initially recommended the death penalty by a 10-2 vote, and the Florida Supreme Court upheld the conviction but remanded for a new penalty phase under Hurst v. Florida. On remand, Sexton waived his right to a jury, and the trial court sentenced him to death again.In the lower courts, Sexton moved for the recusal of Judge Mary Handsel, citing a contentious pretrial exchange. Judge Handsel denied the motion but delegated funding decisions to Chief Judge Anthony Rondolino, who granted some requests and denied others, including funding for a PET scan and travel expenses for mitigation specialists. Sexton also waived his right to a jury trial and limited the mitigation evidence presented. The trial court took judicial notice of the original trial transcripts and sentenced Sexton to death, citing three aggravating factors and giving little weight to the mitigating factors.The Supreme Court of Florida reviewed the case and addressed eight issues raised by Sexton. The court found no abuse of discretion in denying funding for a PET scan and travel expenses, noting that Sexton failed to show a particularized need or prejudice. The court also held that the trial court erred in calling Sexton's mitigation specialist as a witness but deemed the error harmless. The court found no violation of Sexton's rights in the trial court's judicial notice of prior proceedings, denial of the motion to disqualify, or comments on Sexton's silence. The court concluded that the trial court properly considered mitigating evidence and understood its discretion in sentencing. Finally, the court rejected Sexton's constitutional challenge to Florida's capital sentencing scheme. The Supreme Court of Florida affirmed Sexton's death sentence. View "Sexton v. State of Florida" on Justia Law

In 1994, Jermaine Foster was convicted of two counts of first-degree murder, one count of attempted first-degree murder, and four counts of kidnapping. The jury recommended two death sentences, which the trial court imposed. The Florida Supreme Court affirmed his convictions and sentences, and the U.S. Supreme Court denied certiorari. Foster later sought postconviction relief based on intellectual disability claims, but the postconviction court denied his motion. The Florida Supreme Court affirmed this denial.Foster filed a successive motion for postconviction relief after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Hall v. Florida, which was applied retroactively in Walls v. State. The postconviction court denied his motion without an evidentiary hearing, but the Florida Supreme Court remanded for a Hall-compliant hearing. Before this hearing occurred, the Florida Supreme Court decided Phillips v. State, which held that Hall should not be applied retroactively. The State moved to cancel Foster's hearing, but the postconviction court denied the motion based on the State's concession that it could not deviate from the mandate requiring a hearing.After the Florida Supreme Court's decision in Thompson v. State, which clarified that Phillips represented a change in controlling legal principles, the State renewed its motion for summary denial of Foster's intellectual disability claim. The postconviction court granted this motion, concluding that Phillips constituted an intervening change in law and that Hall did not apply retroactively.The Florida Supreme Court affirmed the postconviction court's denial of Foster's successive motion for postconviction relief. The court held that Foster's intellectual disability claim failed because Hall did not apply retroactively, and the State's initial concession did not preclude it from challenging the retroactive application of Hall. Consequently, Foster's request for an evidentiary hearing was denied. View "Foster v. State" on Justia Law

Posted in: Criminal Law
In 1994, Loran Cole and his companion encountered John Edwards and his sister while they were camping. Cole murdered John and raped his sister. Cole was indicted and found guilty of first-degree murder, kidnapping, robbery, and sexual battery. The jury recommended the death penalty, which the trial court imposed. Cole's convictions and death sentence were affirmed on direct appeal, and his certiorari petition was denied by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1998.Cole filed multiple postconviction relief motions, all of which were denied by the circuit court and affirmed by the Florida Supreme Court. His claims included ineffective assistance of counsel, newly discovered evidence, and constitutional challenges. Cole also sought federal habeas relief, which was denied. His subsequent motions for postconviction relief, including claims based on newly discovered evidence and Hurst v. Florida, were also denied.The Florida Supreme Court reviewed Cole's fourth successive motion for postconviction relief and his public records requests. Cole argued newly discovered evidence regarding his treatment at the Dozier School for Boys, Eighth Amendment violations due to his prison conditions, and the unconstitutionality of Florida's lethal injection procedures. The postconviction court denied these claims as untimely, procedurally barred, or without merit. The Florida Supreme Court affirmed the postconviction court's decision, finding no error in the summary denial of Cole's claims and public records requests. The court also denied Cole's motion to stay his execution and his request for oral argument. View "Cole v. State of Florida" on Justia Law

The case involves a petition for a writ of quo warranto challenging the authority of the Financial Impact Estimating Conference to issue a revised financial impact statement for a proposed constitutional amendment titled “Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion.” The petitioners, Floridians Protecting Freedom and Sara Latshaw, argue that the Estimating Conference acted beyond its authority. The respondents include the Financial Impact Estimating Conference, its four principals, the President of the Florida Senate, and the Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives.The Estimating Conference initially submitted a financial impact statement in November 2023. Following a Florida Supreme Court decision in April 2024, which did not address the financial impact statement, the petitioners filed a declaratory judgment action in circuit court, claiming the original statement was outdated and misleading. The circuit court ruled in favor of the petitioners, remanding the statement for redrafting. The government appealed, but the First District Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal as moot after the Estimating Conference voluntarily issued a revised statement in July 2024. The petitioners then sought relief from the Florida Supreme Court.The Supreme Court of Florida denied the petition for a writ of quo warranto. The Court held that the petitioners waived or forfeited their right to challenge the Estimating Conference’s authority by actively participating in the revision process without objecting to the Conference’s authority. The Court emphasized that the petitioners had accepted the legality of the revision process and focused on influencing the content of the revised statement. Consequently, the Court did not address the merits of the petition or the substantive legality of the revised financial impact statement. View "Floridians Protecting Freedom, Inc. v. Passidomo" on Justia Law

On October 21, 2018, Tyrone T. Johnson called 911 from an East Tampa apartment, stating he had shot his girlfriend, Stephanie Willis, and her 10-year-old son, Ricky Willis. When deputies arrived, they found Johnson with blood on his hands and the victims' bodies in the master bedroom. Investigators discovered evidence, including a Glock 22 .40 caliber handgun, shell casings, and blood spatter. Johnson claimed the shootings occurred after an argument with Stephanie escalated, leading him to fire his gun in self-defense. He also stated that Ricky was shot when he tried to intervene.A Hillsborough County grand jury indicted Johnson for first-degree murder of Ricky Willis, second-degree murder of Stephanie Willis, and aggravated child abuse. During the trial, the State presented 19 witnesses, while the defense called none. The jury found Johnson guilty on all charges. In the penalty phase, the jury unanimously found three aggravating factors and recommended the death penalty for Ricky's murder. The trial court sentenced Johnson to death, finding the aggravators heavily outweighed the mitigators.The Supreme Court of Florida reviewed Johnson's appeal, focusing on three main issues: the admission of the second portion of his interrogation video, the testimony of his brother Al Johnson, and the sentencing order. The court found no abuse of discretion in admitting the interrogation video, as it provided relevant responses from Johnson. The court also found no fundamental error in the handling of Al Johnson's testimony, despite claims of prosecutorial threats. Lastly, the court acknowledged an error in the trial court's understanding of the "no significant history" mitigator but deemed it harmless beyond a reasonable doubt. The court affirmed Johnson's conviction and death sentence. View "Johnson v. State" on Justia Law

Posted in: Criminal Law
In 1999, Allen Ward Cox, an inmate at Lake Correctional Institute, was indicted for the premeditated murder of fellow inmate Thomas Baker. Cox discovered that $500 had been stolen from his footlocker and offered $50 to anyone who could identify the thief, threatening to kill the person responsible. The next day, Cox attacked Baker, beating and stabbing him with a shank, resulting in Baker's death. Cox was found guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced to death.The Florida Supreme Court affirmed Cox's conviction and death sentence in 2002. After exhausting initial state and federal postconviction proceedings, Cox filed a motion for postconviction relief based on Hurst v. Florida, which was granted in 2017. A new penalty phase trial was ordered, and the jury unanimously recommended the death penalty, finding two aggravating factors: imprisonment and a prior violent felony. The trial court sentenced Cox to death, considering both aggravating and mitigating factors.The Supreme Court of Florida reviewed Cox's appeal, which raised seven issues, including the rejection of certain nonstatutory mitigating factors, the cumulative effect of the prosecutor's comments during closing arguments, and the constitutionality of Florida's death penalty scheme. The court found no abuse of discretion in the trial court's rejection of the mitigating factors, determining that the evidence supported the trial court's findings. The court also concluded that the prosecutor's comments did not constitute fundamental error and upheld the constitutionality of Florida's death penalty scheme based on established precedent.The Supreme Court of Florida affirmed Cox's death sentence, finding no reversible error in the trial court's proceedings. The court did not address the issue raised by the State on cross-appeal, as Cox's convictions and sentences were affirmed. View "Cox v. State" on Justia Law

The case involves James Herard, a member of the "BACC Street Crips," a branch of the national Crips gang. Herard was found guilty of 18 gang-related felonies, including the first-degree murders of Eric Jean-Pierre and Kiem Huynh. The crimes were committed as part of a body-count competition within the gang. Herard was sentenced to death for the murder of Jean-Pierre and life without parole for the murder of Huynh. He appealed his convictions and death sentence.Herard's trial was held in May 2014, where the prosecution presented evidence of incriminating statements made by Herard to law enforcement following his arrest for stealing a pit bull. The defense argued that Herard's statements were inconsistent, unreliable, and involuntary. The jury found Herard guilty on 18 counts and not guilty on a robbery count.In the penalty phase, the jury recommended a death sentence for the murder of Jean-Pierre by a vote of 8 to 4. The trial court found that the State had proven three aggravating circumstances beyond a reasonable doubt and sentenced Herard to death for the Jean-Pierre murder and to life without the possibility of parole for the Huynh murder.The Supreme Court of Florida affirmed the lower court's decision. The court rejected Herard's arguments that the trial court erred in denying his due process-based motion to dismiss, denying his motions to suppress incriminating statements, admitting physical evidence he claimed was unrelated to the crimes charged, excluding his expert witness testimony about false confessions, and sentencing him in a manner that violated the Sixth and Eighth Amendments. The court also found that there was sufficient evidence to sustain Herard’s conviction for the murder of Eric Jean-Pierre. View "Herard v. State of Florida" on Justia Law

The case revolves around a dispute between Pinellas County and Pasco County in Florida. Pinellas County owns approximately 12,400 acres of real estate in neighboring Pasco County. Although Pinellas County once paid ad valorem taxes to Pasco County for the property, it now asserts that sovereign immunity relieves it of that obligation. Pinellas County filed a lawsuit against the Pasco County Property Appraiser, seeking a judgment declaring the property immune from ad valorem taxes and an injunction prohibiting future assessment and collection of such taxes.The trial court ruled in favor of Pinellas County, holding that as a political subdivision of the state, Pinellas County is entitled to sovereign immunity, which includes immunity from the ad valorem taxation of its properties, regardless of whether those properties are located within the boundaries of Pinellas County or in another county within the state of Florida. The Pasco County Property Appraiser appealed this decision.The Second District Court of Appeal reversed the trial court's ruling. The district court noted that each county has statutory and constitutional authority to assess ad valorem taxes on “all property in the county.” The district court also rejected Pinellas County’s primary contention that its immunity from taxation extends beyond its own borders, noting that Pinellas County had not identified any supporting authority.The Supreme Court of Florida disagreed with Pinellas County's argument that its property in Pasco County was not taxable based on principles of sovereign immunity. The court held that although a county’s real property is immune from that county’s own efforts to assess ad valorem taxes, Pinellas County has not identified any authority recognizing an immunity from taxation of the county’s property located beyond its territorial boundaries. Therefore, the court concluded that sovereign immunity does not shield a county from the obligation of paying ad valorem taxes for property owned by that county but located outside its territorial boundaries. The court approved the decision of the Second District Court of Appeal. View "Pinellas County, Florida v. Joiner" on Justia Law