Jimenez v. Jones

The Supreme Court denied Petitioner’s petition for writ of habeas corpus, denied his motion for a stay of execution, and denied his request for oral argument as moot, holding that Petitioner was not entitled to relief on his claim that he was entitled to vacate of his death sentence or resentencing.In his petition, Petitioner, a prisoner under sentence of death and under an active death warrant, argued that an amendment to Fla. Const. art. X, 9, which was approved by Florida voters on November 6, 2018, warranted vacatur of his death sentence or resentencing under revised Fla. Stat. 921.141. The Supreme Court held that Petitioner was not entitled to relief because (1) the amendment will not go into effect until January 8, 2019; and (2) even if the amendment were in effect, it does not change the law applicable to Petitioner’s conviction and death sentence. View "Jimenez v. Jones" on Justia Law